Mentors FAQ

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Length of time varies based on Mentee needs; general average is 12 months.

Time is at not limited, it is based on what Mentor and Mentees decide.

Locations and activities vary depending on how much support Mentee needs.

Some common activities include attending activities at the Public Library, going on walks or programs at the Preservation Parks, creating nutritious picnics at a local parks, Mentee or Child health check appointments, support obtaining community resources, grocery shopping, thrift store shopping, couponing in various ways, creating art or school related projects at Mentees home, and many more.

Mentees are creating building blocks for being thriving adults. Specific skills are individualized.

A Mentor listens, guides, and supports Mentee. Each Mentor has their own thoughtful style and approach.

Mentees spend time with their Mentor. Mentors support Mentees to continue to build skills and experience new areas in Delaware County.

Mentors and Mentees visit or speak at least once a week and attend large group meetings.