Purpose and Philosophy

The office of Adult Court Services is a community-based supervision program designed for adult offenders in Delaware County. The core mission of the department is to facilitate judicial functions and carry out court-ordered mandates. The department places an emphasis on protecting the community, while simultaneously working to rehabilitate the offender. These goals are reached by striving for continual improvements and innovations in the field of criminal justice.


Goals We Strive to Achieve at Adult Court Services

  • To provide complete and accurate information to the Court to facilitate judicial decision-making.
  • To provide differential, community-based supervision and intervention to offenders based upon risk and individual offender needs.
  • To hold the offender accountable for their actions by employing progressively restrictive sanctions for maladaptive behavior, and conversely positive recognition for behavior improvements.
  • To identify and develop new programs, which qualitatively and cost-effectively enhance community supervision strategies to reduce recidivism.
  • To always improve the quality, effectiveness and professionalism of Adult Court Services.
  • To train the next generation of probation officers by emphasizing volunteer and internship opportunities from either high school and/or college students interested in the field of criminal justice.
  • To partner with local agencies to provide comprehensive services to the offender and to the community and to foster group effort.